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You will find a wide collection of radio and Tv advsetising here.

The adverts were taken from The Auckland Star and New Zealand Herald.

Retailers in those days aligned themselves with certain manufacturers to the exclusion of other brands. Bell appeared to lack this arrangement before the early 50s and did their own advertising.

Some ratailers used their own brands with the radios being manufactured by prominent manufacturers.  Bond and Bond for example used the brand 'Skymaster' and 'Skyscraper' while Farmers sold 'Golden Knight' and John Burns sold the 'National' brand.

Bell Radio-Tv Corp manufactured the following:
- Bell
- General
- Skymaster (Bond & Bond)
- Wiseman's Winner (Frank Wiseman Ltd)
- Rolax (Sedley Wells Music, Chch)

  • 1945 - Sep-Dec, Dec 1937
  • 1948 - Jan-May
  • 1950 - Jan, Mar, Nov, Dec.
  • 1951 - Jan, Feb, Nov, Dec.
  • 1952 - Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov, Dec.
  • 1953 - Jan, Nov
  • 1954 - Feb, Mar, Apr, May.
  • 1955 - Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov. (Radio & Elect. Review)
  • 1956 - Jan, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov. (Radio & Elect. Review)
  • 1957 - Jan, Feb, May, Jun, Jul.
  • 1958 - Oct, Nov.
  • 1959 - Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul.
  • 1980 - April
    By this time, advertising of radios and 'grams had stopped. The popularity of colour Tv's accelerated and rental was the affordable way to get a set.

If you have any photos, printed materials, and other information to add to the history of the Bell Radio-Television Corp. story please help me to expand the content on this website. I have used some photos from other websites in order to make a more complete record.  If I have used any of your copyrighted photos or other material please let me know so I can get clearance and/or include your name..

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